Choice and ignorance are things that define our lives on daily basis. These two are keys to a man's success or failure in life. I am writing this after having access to something I had for years but never knew and I suffered insults till the day I discovered that I had what I have been seeking all along.

What is ignorance? According to the English Dictionary, it is defined as "the condition of being uninformed or uneducated. Lack of knowledge or information".
"Being ignorant of what you have is the same as not having it at all". Having something and not knowing that you have it, how can you harness it? Impossible.

The other key is choice. We make choices everyday. Choosing not to decide is still a choice.
"Your life is the total sum of all the choices/decisions you have ever made". Our choices can have far reaching effects, not only on us but also on generations coming after us. It is therefore important that we make our choices carefully and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit that's if you are born again. Choose to be aware of what is happening around you, stop acting like it doesn't affect you, my dear it does in one way or the other. Just be informed.

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Adeniyi Tolu said…
Ignorance is fueled by perceptive defense, some people don't want to humble themselves to learn, so they put up a defense against knowledge. In the lawcourt ignorance is not tenable. No matter how long someone has traveled on a wrong road does not make it right.We seriously need to increase in applied knowledge in Africa so as to change our present rhetorics.
Peaceable Peace said…
You are very correct. For as long as someone continues to put up a defense against knowledge he or she can never learn. Also, not knowing that you have a particular problem is a big problem. You can never access what you don't know. Ignorance is a disease and that's why Christians perish for lack of knowledge.

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