I learnt that marriage is an expression of divine love not just partnership but some people marry without this understanding and as a result fail to express this divine love to their partners or spouse. I have also come to discover that some people have various misconceptions about marriage. Get married to fulfill God's purpose for your life and stop wanting to marry because it is a requirement.

Some misconceptions about Marriage:
  1. I want to marry so that I can have a man that will take care of my needs and provide for my parents.
  2. All my mates are getting married yet no man has ever proposed to me.
  3. I need a woman to satisfy my sexual needs, cook, wash and tidy up the house always.
  4. I want to have children of my own.
  5. I want to arrive because all my mates have arrived.
  6. I want people to respect me.
  7. I am getting older.
All these are some of the reasons why most people end up marrying the wrong person. Is not as if these needs are not met in marriage but they are not the primary reason for which God ordained marriage. Let me tell you the truth, you won't remember any of these reasons if you end up marrying the wrong person. God created marriage for companionship and for fulfillment of divine purpose and assignment. You want to get married when you have not even discovered your purpose in life. You want to get married when you are yet to discover your divine assignment. God created the woman to be an helpmeet for her husband (a companion to support the man in fulfilling his divine assignment).
Truth that will help you:
You must understand that no man born of a woman can meet all your needs, only God can. Life is not competition.
God makes all things beautiful at His own time.
The woman is not just for sex, cooking, washing and tidying the house, she is a helpmeet.
It is good to have children but don't forget that some married people never had children of their own and they lived happily still.
Marriage is not a means to an end.
If you want to be respected, have good character, values and morals.
Age is number, everybody must not marry at the same age, wait for God's time. If you don't understand why you must get married, you will end up marrying the wrong person and thereby fail yourself.
Marriage has its own responsibilities and challenges, don't ever think that all your problems will disappear once you get married.

Also Read:Before He Became a Pastor

Marriage is the best union God made for man to enjoy and find fulfillment here on earth and you can only enjoy this when you understand Gods purpose for your life and marry the right person.
Sister, you are not too old, wait for God's time!
Brother, it is not too late, don't miss God's will.

Add value to yourself. The more you add value to yourself the more you add value to someone's life. Are you just sitting around waiting for someone to marry you or are you fulfiling purpose as a single Christian? Don't put your life on hold because you are waiting for someone to marry. People should know what you are born to do before they even talk to you.

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