Give me a break!

Pastor, am so sorry but I can't make it to church today because I need a break. Please just give me a break! Some of us might not be bold to say it out but we say it in our heart and act it.
See, I already discussed this matter with God and I know He understands because am really tired, I need to have some fun. Christianity without fun is so so boring. One must have fun in life.
I need a break from church activities for now.
God, I just need a little break to also express my youthful exuberance. I just need a break. 

A break from service, Bible study, personal quiet time and prayer. All my friends are having fun and they think am not romantic. They call me old school, church boy/church girl. 

I also want to prove to them that I can be very romantic, I also want to let them know that I know what they know. 

They say my head is too light for alcohol and that's why I don't drink but I want to use this time to prove them wrong. So please, just give me two weeks break to have fun and after that I will come back to You, ask for mercy and continue my walk with You. 

I just want to show them that I've got swag as well. Besides, this sexual feeling is driving me crazy and I just want to have a feel of it. Besides God, you created me with this feelings right?

This is how some Christians have missed it, this is how so many are missing it and this is how some fell out of faith and are no where to be found any more.

You need a break?

What if God decides to take a 30seconds break from keeping watch over you?

What if God goes on break towards showing you mercy and kindness? 

What if God decides not to watch over you while you sleep? 

What if God decides to go on a break over your life?  

What if God decides to reverse the role and make you your god? 

Do you know what will happen if God goes on a break just for a second? Do you think you can have all that fun if He decides not to show you mercy? What if God decides to go on a break from showing you mercy and kindness? Am sure you know what that means?

We feel we are doing God favours by serving in the kingdom or living a godly life instead He is the One Who has favoured us by giving us the privilege to be called His children, to fellowship with Him and even have His Spirit dwelling in us.

Also Read: finding-my-missing-rib

You are comparing yourself to sinners, and you want to taste their life, I thought you have been there before now, was it not a miserable life? How can you consider going back to your vomit? What about those your life has been an encouragement to, those you preached to as well?

Your mates are going on 2 weeks dry fast but you need a break, your mates are pressing towards the mark for the prize of the high calling but you need a break.
You intentionally want to go and commit sin, telling God you will come back to ask for mercy? Who are you kidding? Or have you not read what He said here?
Hebrews 10:26 For if we go on deliberately and willingly sinning after once acquiring the knowledge of the Truth, there is no longer any sacrifice left to atone for [our] sins [no further offering to which to look forward].
27 [There is nothing left for us then] but a kind of awful and fearful prospect and expectation of divine judgment and the fury of burning wrath and indignation which will consume those who put themselves in opposition [to God]  and then 
2Tim.2:19 But the firm foundation of (laid by) God stands, sure and unshaken, bearing this seal (inscription): The Lord knows those who are His, and, Let everyone who names [himself by] the name of the Lord give up all iniquity and stand aloof from it.

Wake up and stand still for the foundation of God stands sure.
May you never take a break from loving and serving the LORD but if you really need a break, then take a break into the secret place where you surrender the burdens and stresses of everyday life and be renewed in His presence.

Don't you think somebody else needs to hear this message? Kindly share and feel free to comment. God bless you 

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Friday said…
A big Amen to that prayer.
While some persons may not be blunt to say "give me a break to enjoy myself" directly, there are certain things we do that can be detrimental to our faith. For example, a Christian takes 2 weeks vacation from work and decides that during that period, he'll not fast at all (so as to regain lost weight), he'll not pray as long as he used to nor study as often just because he's taking a break. This can be hazardous.

Thanks for this timely write-up, the title caught my attention. God bless with more wisdom.
Peaceable Peace said…
Succinctly stated dear. Our actions does more of the talking at times. Amen, thanks and God bless you too.

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