Why Christmas?

Hello, today is Christmas Day, so let's talk about it as there are so many views, arguments and debates on Christmas. Though, I won't be arguing, or debating on the topic but I will express my point of view on this matter. Honestly, There was also a time I argued that Christmas shouldn't be celebrated because it was not recorded in the Bible, this I did ignorantly though a Christian because the eyes of my understanding were not enlightened to see the importance of Christmas. I realised the importance of Christmas once my eyes were enlightened. When a man sees God, he understands why he should and shouldn't do certain things, argument comes when men lack understanding and are unwilling to open their heart to know the truth.

When that is the case, this becomes the reality 2 Thessalonians 2 "9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness".

The truth is that Jesus was born and He is the only Saviour of the world. Do you believe that? If yes, why shouldn't His birth be remembered and celebrated whereby it also becomes an avenue to draw men to Him? Think about it! The problem is not the Christmas but what you do during Christmas and your understanding of Christmas. History holds it that it was a day of Pagan worship. No wonder, so many atrocities happen on this day, and some pagan activities like masquerade celebrations and some other forms of Pagan worship during Christmas. So yes, I accept that it was a day of Pagan worship but, could Christians of old have folded their hands, do nothing and watch so many go to tell hell on this particular day because it's for pagans? Do you think God will be happy with that? 

So, whether Christmas was recorded in the Bible or not does not matter as long as Jesus was born and His birth was recorded along with the rejoicing that took place for His birth, the shepherds and heavenly hosts rejoiced and sang greatly. So what's wrong in choosing a particular day specifically to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour and by so doing, atrocities and evil acts committed on this day has decreased greatly? Or don't you know that as a result of celebrating His birth on this special day has ended some evil practices?

Importantly, Christians should live for Christ everyday of their life and Christmas should mean nothing to the Christian other than a day set aside to deliberately remember that a Saviour was born because without His birth there wouldn't be His death. 

As I conclude, I leave you with this; some Christians are actually the reason why some disregard this day. To the Christian the true meaning of Christmas is Jesus Christ, His birth and mission. All the other trappings of celebrations though inviting must not overshadow Him during this event. God became man in order to reconcile us to Himself. Too many Christians are so busy shopping that they scarcely have the time to consider the eternal significance of Christmas. We must allow the Holy Spirit to help us openly talk about Jesus as the opportunities come our way this Christmas.

Please Christmas is not for show ups, new clothes, new hair etc, it is about Jesus. How many do you tell about Jesus on Christmas Day and how many do you remember in your prayers? Think about it!

Merry Christmas beloved brethren.

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