Don't miss this Great Lessons from Exodus


Exodus 13:17
When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.”
18:So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle.
God sees the future and knows what's ahead of us and places us on the best path even though it may be longer.
Most times we are perturbed with worries. Why am I poor, why am I not married, why can't I get a good job, why am I barren? And all the why's. Learn to relax in the Lord, He knows the best way for you and I. If we remain faithful and keep to His leading, He will eventually bring us to the promised land. 

Have faith in God
Text: Exodus 14:10-31
Vs 11-12: Humans are always too quick to forget and complain the moment things don't work in their favour or the moment they are faced with challenges. The same children of Israel who cried to God for deliverance and now saying it would have been better for them to die in Egypt. 
Example not follow: Don't be too quick to complain when faced with challenges, rather learn to be calm and trust God.
Vs.14: Our God fights the battle of His children. The Lord will fight every of my battle in Jesus name .
In vs. 20: we see the faithfulness of God and His love expressed to His children. The same pillar of cloud was a cloud and darkness to the Egyptians at night was light to the Isrealites. Beloved, it's so sweet to be on the Lord's side. There's no darkness on the Lord's side.
In vs. 31: the essence of God's miracle is for people to fear and believe Him and His servants.

Song of Deliverance and Praise
Exodus 15:1-21
Vs.2c: "my father's God and I will exalt Him" of yesterday's reading had a different and deep message for me.
The children of Israel did not only know God as their God but also as their father's God. This is legacy. So many parents today are pointing their children to different gods whether directly or indirectly. We go to church and claim to be Christians but our actions are failing us daily. When you must have left this earth, what is the godly legacy your children will follow after? Which God will they serve as their father's god? It is better you introduce them to the only true God.

From bitterness to abundance
Exodus 15:22-27
They murmured again. Must they murmur? Will you murmur?
When Moses called on God He brought solution to their problem. As a country and a people, we are going through tough times but it is not a time to murmur but to rather seek God's face and depend on Him. Let's be grateful to God for what He has done in the past and for what He will yet do.

Murmuring against God
Exodus 16:1-16
Murmuring is very common among the Isrealites, with all God has wrought in their midst beginning from the Red Sea, they could still not come to the point of total dependence on God. They kept referring back to Egypt. You are not yet born again as you claim if you keep referring back to when you were in the world, to how things were easy for you when you were in darkness. If you used to cheat or rob them to get money and now that you are born again you no longer do such and at such doesn't get as much useless money as you used to get then but you keep thinking that going back to that life is better for you, then you are not yet completely broken. 

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