By Peace Wobo
Continuation from Where is Christianity? 1 
Having established the meaning of Christianity and also understanding who a Christian is in the first episode of this topic, you can agree with me that being a Christian is a way of life - a Christ-like life. Following our already established definition,  how can one say that Christianity is in the heart and has nothing to do with appearance or lifestyle?  Can someone see what's in your heart?  The Bible says, by their fruit ye shall know them (Luke 7:16). Beloved,  fruits are visible and can be seen and recognised by everyone. They were called Christians in Antioch because they behaved like Christ in character,  appearance,  way of life etc. Though the Christian life begins with the heart but it's evidence is in our character, lifestyle, manner of communication, dressing, and appearance.  In fact,  being a Christian has to do with everything about the individual. The way we talk,  dress and behave actually reveals our true identity to people. Stop being deceived and stop deceiving yourself by saying that Christianity is in the heart. You lie! In 1 Timothy 4:12, Apostle Paul says to Timothy; "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in words, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity". The qualities listed in this Scripture are noticeable. The Christian is daily revealed in them. 

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