Kingdom Principles of Fatherhood

Kingdom Principles of Fatherhood

A woman is not looking for a lover.
She is not looking for a sex champion. She is looking for a father. So the role of the male is to father the woman. No woman wants to ever go to work. They are not built to carry nothing, they are built to support. The man is built to carry the load. The male is the source of seed. Every male carries in his loins four generations. 

Whatever a man does is being transferred upon his sperms. What you do in secret is not secret, it's generational. So your private escapade to the woman you are married to is not private, generations are being impacted

Some of you wonder why you are so violent to women, why you are into homosexuality, why you are into drinking alcohol and taking drugs or why you want to beat women. Check your father's father's father because the sins of the  fathers, not the mothers are transferred to the first, second and third generation

Nothing that a male does is private, it might be personal but never private. So everytime you are tempted to sin, think about your unborn generation. God doesn't just want to forgive you, He wants to forgive your righteous seeds. You have to realize that the head of every man is Christ. The man is supposed to father the woman or women in His life (daughters and sisters). The man leaves his father and mother but a woman never leaves her father but she is being transferred from one father to another. Men are built to carry the load. They are built to father the woman.
Father's do not abuse their children, they protect their children. They provide clothes, shelter, food, counsel and guidance. A man must read, please be a reader. God didn't allow Adam to find Eden He put him in Eden. Eden in Hebrew has five strokes which are:
-Open door and
So Eden means, the Spot for the Moment on earth where the Presence of God His Open door Access to Heaven. The first place God put the male is in His presence. So, the first thing the male needs is not the presence of a woman, he needs the presence of God. 
The fives purposes of the Man:
1. Eden - The kingdom man, must be in the presence of God 24/7.
2. Work - God gave man work before He gave him a woman. That means you need a job before you get a wife.
3. Cultivate - the man is to cultivate, to make something fruitful. Therefore, God will never give a male a finished product. God will never give you anything you don't have to cultivate. God never gave Adam a table and a chair, He hid them in the trees. God never gave Adam a pair of shoes, He hid them in the cow. God never gave a male a finished woman. The woman that you are looking for, the one in your head, does not exist. She only exists in your mind. So, God is saying I want you to cultivate her to become the woman in your mind. Polish develop, refine, train, educate and improve her. That means the longer a woman stays with you the better she should become. If you are ashamed of your wife, you should be ashamed of yourself. You must follow your hero Jesus, the Bible says He has a woman, her name is the Church, He said, I wash her, I cleanse her, I remove every wrinkle, every stain, every spot and then I present her to myself. Present your wife to become the woman you want her to be.
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