So many people like the woman with the issue of blood in the book of Mark 5:25-34 have struggled so many years and are still struggling with one particular issue or the other, you could be struggling with barrenness, sickness, unemployment, delay in marriage, delay in childbirth etc. So many years of struggle, humiliation and rejection yet nothing has changed, in fact the situation looks even worse as the days go by. Have you ever imagined what that woman went through for 12 years? As a lady, I can boldly say that only the grace and mercy of God and nothing else kept her. Losing blood every day for 12 years is not a joke. But she never gave up, she never thought of committing suicide and she didn't lose faith in God. What are you going through currently that has made you feel as if God has forgotten you? Seriously, can it be compared to the issue of blood for 12 years? I don't think so, nothing could be worse than this woman's condition yet when she heard about Jesus, she had faith, she has never met Him but she believed that Jesus could heal her. What did she do? She made a decision to touch His garment and she touched His garment and was healed instantly.

Why don't you try Jesus. Maybe you have tried several physicians just like the woman, you may have even tried some terrible things yet it didn't work. Can't you see that only Jesus can help you? You are still alive despite all your challenges because God chose to show you mercy, that's why your trouble has not consumed you. The crowd and press should have discouraged this woman because I believe that she must have been stinking of blood, and she had spent all she had on physicians but she didn't mind all that at all, she only had one thing in mind and that was to touch Jesus' garment.

You too can surrender all to Him, don't wait that long to touch Him, you can touch Him now. He is always waiting for you with open hands. Take that bold step of laying it all at Jesus' feet. May the LORD meet you at the point of your need just as He did for that woman in Jesus name, Amen.
Still Peaceable Peace with love

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