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The Radical Cross is written by A.W. Tozer
Of the many compilations of Tozer’s writings (there are now
more than fifty titles available) this is the first collection to
focus specifically on what he had to say about the cross of
Jesus Christ. If there is one message that Tozer consistently
preached with passion, it was the crucified life. Certainly, one
of Tozer’s most frequently used verses was Luke 9:23: “If any
man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his
cross daily, and follow me.”
For some 2,000 years, this message of the cross has stood as
the chafing point between the physical and spiritual realms,
between human and divine wills. The message of the cross is
an agitant thrown into the mix of each new generation of every
nation, creating conflict while at the same time offering true
peace. Societies, including our own, will come and go. Nations
will rise and fall. But the message of the cross will withstand all
of its opposition through the centuries and emerge victorious
with its triumphant King! That is why this is such an important
Much of Tozer’s theology was informed by an intimate
understanding of Dr. A.B. Simpson, who founded The
Christian and Missionary Alliance movement in the late 1800s.
In fact, one of Tozer’s lesser known books, Wingspread, is a
biographical account of the life of Albert B. Simpson.
Because of Tozer’s affinity to Simpson, we have decided to

include one of Simpson’s messages in the Appendix at the end of this book. Simpson’s writing (he wrote more than 100 books)
is saturated with Scripture, and one gets the sense at times that
his deep understanding of the Word may have come to him as
direct revelations fromthe mouth of the Lord Himself.
Lastly, one cannot read this collection of essays without
being personally convicted. It’s not enough to admire Tozer’s
biblical insights and incisive commentary. Tozer would cringe
at that. He would want you and me to become more like Christ
as a result of reading these works.
What I appreciate most about Tozer’s writings is that the
more he came to understand what Christ accomplished on
Calvary, the more he expressed utter amazement at the price
God paid to redeem mankind. For all of his personal study of
the mystics of old, Tozer was continually mystified by the
Though highly respected and a much sought-after speaker,
though very confrontational and candid in his pulpit, Tozer
knew all too well his lowly and meek position before the
Almighty God. Perhaps, after all, that is where he derived his
power to communicate so effectively.
I suppose that is the great lesson of this book: If we would
be empowered for life and ministry, it will only happen as we
are on our knees at the foot of the cross.
Douglas B. Wicks, Publisher
January 2005

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