How to defuse the devil's lies

By Bob Sorge
Having established the four levels of Satan's accusations, let's also consider fair means of defusing his lies. 
Each one of us will find a way of dealing with the enemy's accusations, but here are some fairly standard means of defusing his lies.

Also Read: Levels of Satan's accusations

1. Confess and repent. Satan's accusations carry a sting because they usually contain a certain fraction of truth. So go ahead, get violent. Confess your sin, call it in its worst terms, and repent of it. You are not a sinner who struggles to love God; you are a lover of God who struggles with sin. You are primarily a lover of God, not a sinner. That is your bottom line identity. So, do violence one more time to any known sin or compromise and confess it freely to God, receiving His forgiveness. 
2. Get under the blood. Oh, thank God for the blood of Jesus! His atoning blood is altogether powerful, eternally effectual, and it alone have the power to cleanse the defiled conscience. The blood of Jesus is your basis  for entry into the presence of the King. Come boldly to the throne of grace because you enter by His blood through the veil of His flesh. 
3. Get dressed. What I mean is, put on the full armor of God according to Ephesians 6. As you read this portion of Scripture, I want you to notice that the reason for putting on the armor of God is so that we might pray.

Also Read: The Difference Between Dating and Courtship

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