How to care for self without being selfish

Do you know that most people hardly have time for themselves? Yes!  I belong to that group. Activities is part of life, we can't live without being involved in one activity or the other because these activities are as a reason of the responsibilities that falls on us but one should never ignore self care in carrying out these numerous responsibilities. We have always pointed to SELF as being selfish, and sinful, that's not the SELF am talking about here. Am not also talking about being selfish either, selfishness is a sin. Am talking about making out time for you, love yourself, give yourself a treat, take care of yourself. So many of us know how to attend to everybody's need around us but hardly pay attention to our own needs. 
Some people are good at helping people to build their career,  go to school, pursue purpose in life but they will remain at a spot without improving themselves one bit. Tomorrow people will call you illiterate, foolish,  etc, as you help people also help yourself and build your own career. We aren't living if we aren't making impact but it's foolishness to keep giving what we aren't willing to do for ourselves.

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Enough of trying to be here and there while you ignore yourself. Have time for yourself, self improvement, self care, and make out time of rest for yourself. Besides, Jesus instructed us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. That's a command, it's not an excuse! You are to love people as much as you love yourself. The day you die of stress, that work will continue, the ministry will move on, people will survive without you, you can't always be there for everybody. You are not God that is Omnipresent.  You save yourself a lot if you realise this early enough.

There are demands everywhere, church is demanding, family is demanding, society is demanding, friends are demanding, my dear don't die for demands, do the ones you can and leave the rest to God, those you can't reach physically, pray for them, those you can reach, reach and be a blessing to them, even the help you try to render will be meaningless if God does not approve and bless it. 
Be wise! 

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Ericksson said…
Nice one, do well to remove this it's disturbing users
Peaceable Peace said…
Thanks Ericksson, I'll look into it.

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