A test of Character

Beloved, here are some personal lessons I learnt in the month of August 2022 as I studied God's word through the use of Daily Guide. God's word is new every morning
Text: Revelation 1:1-8
Topic: Take it to heart
Blessed is he that reads and hears, hearing is not enough if you don't also read for yourself. To hear you have to listen to someone but to read you must do so yourself. 
Example to follow: Read and also hear the word of God 
Jesus loved us and washed us from sins with His blood.
After we've been washed, we became Prince and Priests.
V.7: Behold! He cometh with clouds and every eye shall behold him... To me I need to take this to heart.

Revelation 1:9-20
Q3, 5, 7
Topic: I am with you always
Vs:19-20: The seven candlesticks represents the 7 churches, this does not mean burning candles in our churches as some do but means that every church of God is represented by a burning candle before God and as long as that church remains steadfast in Christ, their candle burns brighter but any church that is not of God does not have any light before God, and any church that has missed it, their candle has become dim or even went off. This can also be applied to individuals. Every Church has an angel assigned to them.
Am I still burning before God? Is my my candle burning bright or going dim?
Command to obey: Keep your light shining
Warning to heed: 
Truth revealed: v.17: any man that sees God must first fall dead, you can't see God and remain standing. So, we cannot encounter God and still continue in sin.

Revelation 2:1-7
Topic: Revisit Your first Love
The church in Ephesus was vibrant and doing everything right except that they neglected the most important thing, they left their first love. What could this mean? Their personal relationship with God was a mess while they were very vibrant before people. The place of personal prayer and meditation was neglected. They didn't even show so much love to one another. This is a call for me to care more for brethren, I may not have money to give but I can give my time in prayers for the brethren. 
God asked them to repent and do the first work - which is loving God with all their heart, their might, their soul and their mind. Loving God comes above every other religious activity.

Topic: Hold on Firmly
Text: Revelation 2:18-29
Even our Lord starts with commendation before rebuke and warning. Let's learn to always correct people after commending them for their good works and effort. To point out someone's wrong is good but first point out the person's good side.
Warning: Stay away from anything that defiles 

Wake Up
Text: Revelation 3:1-6
The church in Sardis seemed very lively before the eyes of men but was a dead church before God v.1. In v.2 God warns them to be watchful and strengthen the things which remain - no matter how deep a child of God has gone into sin, he/she can still rise up again. There is still something in him/her that connects to God, liverage on that and wake up. V.3: The second coming of Jesus will only be a surprise to those who aren't watching. Be watchful.
God always has His faithful ones in every place. This is a promise for the faithful ones, we will walk with the Lord in white. Our names shall never be blotted out of the book of life v.4-5. If you have ear, hear the Lord's warnings now.
The church in Sardis has a name that they were living but in a reality before God they were dead. That is the most terrible state for any Christian to be. For people to see you as a sound Christian due to your involvement in activities but before God you are actually dead. It a pitiable state. May it never be my portion Lord.
No matter how defiled a place or a people are, God always has His true children there.

I am coming soon
Text: Revelation 3:7-13
The Lord promises to protect me, and He also promised to bring liars and worshippers of Satan to bow down at my feet. Don't give up, there is a glory awaiting you Peace!

Topic: Open the door
Text: Revelation 14-22
God doesn't drive away anyone from Himself but we drive ourselves away from Him when we consistently backslide and disobey His words. It all depends on the man. What decisions do you make daily? Is it to be faithful to the Lord or unfaithful? If the Lord looks at me now, would He rate me to be cold or hot? One must ask and answer these questions daily. 

Text: Psalms 27:1-14
Topic: The Lord is my light
Having understanding of who you are in Christ Jesus kills fear instantly. Is the Lord your light and salvation? Then fear no one.
The Psalmist sounded so confident and this confidence only comes from the Lord. Even war rises up against me and indeed the enemy engineers war against us everyday but we are victorious. God hides us in the time of trouble, o yes He does. Develop an attitude of praising the Lord everyday v.6. v.10 is very comforting for an orphan like me - when my mother and father forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. I have Jesus, I have everything, mother and father inclusive.


Genesis 43:1-15
Topic: Seeking the best solution
Israel came to the point where he had to choose and a stand for a choice. The two choices were clear; either we all die of hunger or risk the life of his 10 sons to save his whole family - that risk was an act of faith, it wasn't a stupid decision. A time comes in our life, when we must be willing to risk anything and everything for the sake of the kingdom.


Topic: A test of character 
Text: Genesis 44:1-17
Warning: Don't be too quick to make pledges or swear to something no matter the situation.  No matter the pressure that is been mounted on us, we should not be too quick to speak words as they may eventually hunt us. 
Truth: Knowing that his brothers conspired to sell him, could it be that he was testing them to know if they have really changed or did he do that to make them feel some of the pain he felt? It could also be that Joseph longed for his younger brother and wanted to keep him with him?
This time we see a more united brothers, who weren't ready to blame one person or abandon one of them. One thing is to be tormented by your sins, another thing is to repent and forsake your old ways.

Text: Genesis 44:18-34 
Topic: Christ, our substitute
Godly sorrow indeed leads to repentance. We see Judah willing to take the place of Benjamin without attempting to accuse Benjamin of anything, instead they blamed themselves and stood together. It was also Judah that suggested they sell Joseph instead of killing him, though he was part of the plan then but we can see that he always had a good heart. At first he acted selfishly but now he is thinking about the well being of his father, he is acting sacrificially. The Christian life is a sacrificial one. Could Judah's reason in vs.34 be the same reason why he moved down to Addullamite after they sold Joseph? 

Genesis 45:1-15
Topic: Forgiveness Demonstrated
There is nothing as sweet as forgiveness from the end of the one who was offended but the offenders usually groan in guilt and shame.
Example to follow: As a believer, when things happen on their own without my influence (whether good or bad), I should see God's hand in it.
Even when one rises up against me, I have to see that God is the one using that person as an instrument to bring me to my place of glory. I only have to remain faithful in the Lord. If I live with this consciousness, forgiveness will be easy for me to give

Genesis 45:16-46:7
Divine Direction

For some great lessons and powerful prayers from July Reading Click Here

Genesis 46:8-34
Topic: Strangers and pilgrims on earth 
Shepherds are abomination to Egyptians yet Joseph's influence brought them into Egypt and they had a place to dwell comfortably on their own. 
Shepherds were an abomination unto Egyptians yet Joseph told them to maintain their identity, they didn't need to lie about their occupation just to gain favour. What does this tell me? When God has positioned a person to be the channel for my blessing; my history, profession, certificate, or age won't be a hinderance. When it is God, you don't have to lie or twist things to get it. It is fear that makes people to tell lies

Welcoming foreigners
Text: Genesis 47:1-12
They told Pharoah they were Shepherds, without mincing words and the best of the land was given to them. The same Pharoah who considered shepherds an abomination needed them to take care of his cattle. What a God we serve! Beloved, remain faithful, don't tell lies or lower your standards for any man. Be rooted!
E2F:Treat every stranger with love and respect. Don't mistreat people because they are not of your tribe or country.
Note that twice, Jacob blessed Pharoah it wasn't Pharoah that blessed Jacob, by no contraction the lesser is blessed by the greater. Jacob was greater than Pharoah so also is every born again Christian greater than any heathen whether they be rulers or kings

Topic: A ruler's responsibility towards the people
Text: Genesis 47:13-31
Joseph never neglected the people or allowed them to die because they've sold all their belongings for food. He still had a sense of responsibility towards the people and he didn't abuse it or even amass wealth to himself. I can deduce that asking for their lands was not to take away their inheritance but to get them to be more responsible and patriotic. When God gives us leadership position, we should endeavour to use it to reduce people's suffering and give them better negotiations.

The Father's Blessing 11
Text: Genesis 49:1-28
No child of God should die anyhow. Just like Jacob, we should know when we are about to go and put our house in order.
As parents, we have to speak blessings into our children's lives. 
Example not to follow: When a child does something wrong, we should correct and discipline them immediately and not carry it at heart to eventually curse them when releasing our last words. I don't want to be like Jacob who cursed his children.
Truth Revealed: The words of parents are powerful and important. We all need our parents blessings. Children should not provoke their parents to anger because the consequences would be dreadful. It may take many years of struggle and pain to get over it, sometimes the direct carrier of that may not live too long to break the yoke but the children or children's children. It is not a risk worth taking. Do you have any issue with your parents? Go and make peace now!

Topic: True forgiveness
Text: Genesis 50:15-25
To do evil is not the problem (ask those who act wickedly) but the problem is that your conscience will beat you and the devil will torment you until you confess, repent and forsake your evil ways - without which, no peace of mind.
But why will Joseph die first, he was the second to the youngest?
They thought that Joseph provided for them only because of their father, unknown to them that Joseph had a better understanding of God's calling and purpose for his life. When we understand God's purpose for our lives and gradually go through the path He would take us to bring us there, then we wouldn't hate those who are used as instruments of wickedness along the way because without them, we wouldn't be made. God positions such people for our making - it's a making process.. Thank you Jesus for this revelation 
This is why I always say that, humans forgive but they don't forget, only God has the ability to forgive you and forget your trespasses forever. A human will remember but when forgiveness is genuine, the remembrance would be just for testimony and not revenge or pay back.

Text: Revelation 4:1-11
Topic: The One sitting on the throne
When you come before God, lay down whatever entitlement or crown you may have, fall at His feet and worship Him. There's no big man before God. Let's stop being too casual with our worship to God

Topic: Worthy to break the Seals on this Scroll
Text: Revelation 5:1-14
Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah from the root of David. He is the Lamb that was slain to deliver every kindred, tongue, people and nation.
So, it doesn't matter where you come from, salvation is open to all. 

Revelations 10:1-11
Topic: Sealed and no more delay
Revelation 10: 4 When the seven thunders spoke, I was about to write. But I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Keep secret what the seven thunders said, and do not write it down.”

What could it have been?🤔
There be some revelations that God gives to us only for our consumption. It is personal and for personal consumption. I believe what the 7 thunders uttered were meant for John alone. What are the specific things God has said to you that is meant to be kept a secret? Probably He reveals them to you for you to understand your assignment better and to intensify in your prayers. Don't make such revelations a public revelation. 

Today's Reading The Reign of Christ

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