Happy new year once again. To be honest am very excited to know that we all made it through, congrats. Welcome to this segment of Talk Your Mind, written in red because it's very serious please, feel free to express yourself as a Nigerian.
Some people think that our system of government is not our major problem in this country. Well, am not politicizing or trying to abuse the government or instigate people to abuse anybody, I just feel like speaking my mind which I believe is our major problem in this country and you can equally speak your mind, who knows; maybe our system of government will be changed for good after this article. That’s my prayer.
The Federal System of Government I’ve grown to be used to in my Fatherland is far different from what I was taught in Government and far different from the Federal System of Government America practices.
So, based on my knowledge, experience, and judgment, our system of government is our major problem. How can you tell me that you want to solve a problem while avoiding the root cause of that problem?
What is a  Federal System of Government? It is a system of government whereby power is shared by a powerful central government and states or provinces that are given considerable self-rule, usually through their legislatures.  federal system of government is one that divides the powers of government between the national (federalgovernment and state and local governments. The Constitution of the United States established the federal system, also known as federalism.

I don’t want to go into much details on the characteristics/features of a Federal System of Government but the truth is that we are practicing an adulterated or partial or incomplete Federal System of Government, truth be told I don’t know what to call it and I also don’t know who to blame because the present Government and the Government before it, and the one before it, equally met it so.

So, am not in any way blaming the present Administration for this but am noting that the present administration can do something about it, I was expecting that someone will rise to do something about it. If the foundation is faulty, how can the building stand? That’s why our government is struggling because you can never build truth on lies. No way! Can you start building a house from the rooftop? Impossible! If anyone wants to effect any lasting change then the person must start with the root cause of that problem or else all effort will be wasted at the end.

I was thinking that there will be a Presidential Candidate who will have the mind of actually changing that and make it what it ought to be, but I haven’t seen or heard, or have you? If you have, please tell me, that’s the candidate I would love to vote for but nobody would want to do that because of their selfish interests, our politicians know that true federalism will not benefit them as much as this adulterated one.
Also Read: ECOWAS adopt the single currency

Yes, it is good to pray for our country but other countries are not even praying as much as we do, yet they are doing well. Why? Prayer is not in the success equation, decision making is, as one preacher rightly said. Please don’t misunderstand me, as Christians, is necessary we pray about everything but our prayers without making decisions to effect what we want is as good as not praying at all.
I don’t know about you, but I want a feel of true Federalism.
Don’t sell your vote, it is your “Franchise” exercise it. 

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Peaceable Peace said…
Nobody is talking, why?
Peace Onyendi said…
My dear i agree with you. Ww need to practice true federalism
Anderson said…
Nigeria cannot practice true federalism.
Peaceable Peace said…
We can if we choose to

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