Hello readers, this one is inspired by the Book of Numbers. 
Sometimes we look down on ourselves because of our current situation or circumstances just like the children of Israel at the face of what seemed impossible to them but possible before God. We see things as impossible whereas God has said it's possible and has made provision for our possession. Whatever you see yourself to be; that, you end up becoming. 

The children of Israel saw themselves as grasshoppers before the giants,  and all who saw themselves as grasshoppers never entered the promise land. What do you see?

Your vision is very very important. Thank God for Joshua and Caleb that had a different spirit. May you have that same spirit they had in the face of difficulties and challenges. Don't look down on yourself for any reason and don't look down on the Word of God. Dream big dreams and work towards actualising your big dreams, don't limit yourself! 

Don't forget that the enemy will do anything to stop you from using the name of Jesus because anytime he hears that name he remembers that he has been defeated over and over again. I love calling that name, the name of Jesus. Call Him in any situation at all and that name will set you free.
Peaceable Peace Loves You! 

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