The Deception of Pornography

The Deception of Pornography
The world is getting more polluted as the day approaches. Indecency and all kinds of unhealthy life style has become a norm for our young people as we see the rate of moral decay in our society day in day out. The rate of perversion among young people today is really crazy, unbearable and demoralising. It seems as though the society has failed. 
Unfortunately, not just the society but parents have contributed immensely to this and some are still contributing as we see the level of negligence from parents and even un-parented children are becoming parents as well. These days parents buy expensive gadgets like android and smartphones because we claim to be in google and internet age, we hand over these powerful machines to our young children and teens without any supervision over them. Some of us have blindly trusted our children, even when there is prompting to check on them, we feel that they are well trained, they can't misbehave, they can't do this and that. 
It's a shame!

Do you know that some children learnt pornography right under their parents roof with their android and smartphones without physical contact with anybody?

Why do we title this "The Deception of Pornography? First and foremost, what is Deception and what is Pornography?
Deception according to the dictionary definition, is the act of deceiving or misleading.
While Pornography is any creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire. 
I would say, anything done to stimulate sexual desires is referred to as porn. 
Painfully, there is no difference between these practices and darkness.
Note: Darkness is the absence of light, so anything that is dark lacks light. In this sense, anyone without Jesus Christ in his or her life is wallowing in a dark tunnel and various evils are found in the tunnel.

Dark means absence of light; darkness; obscurity; a place where there is little or no light.This is similar to a tunnel. A Tunnel is a vessel with a broad mouth at one end, a pipe or tube at the other, for conveying liquor, fluids, etc., into casks, bottles, or other vessels; a funnel.

From our definition, you can understand that one can be wallowing in the tunnel of Pornography without the knowledge of anybody because the tunnel and it's activities is not physically visible as it is usually stored underground and nobody knows when and how the fluids passes through it but we know that it is built to carry out such functions because it has a broad mouth at the opening and a tube at the other edge. We are not referring to the physical tunnel here but a spiritual one. This particular tunnel is leading to nowhere but hell, where anyone spotted on time can be rescued or else hell is inevitable. That is why it is very deceptive. It seems sweet when practicing or indulging in it but in reality it's leading the individual to pain, death and eventually hell.

Let me tell you a story about a young boy called Kelvin. Kelvin was a fifteen year old secondary school boy, bright and innocent young lad, very intelligent and voracious student. Kelvin was never educated by anybody on the dangers of Pornography neither did he ever know about it until one day. That faithful day, a classmate of his asked to use his phone for call, being the innocent and kind guy he was, he gave his phone to the classmate. Since that day, Kelvin's life never remained the same again. Do you want to know what happened? 

When Kelvin took back his phone, the classmate had opened a site that he intentionally left open for Kelvin to view and alas! It was a porn site, when Kelvin first saw it, he quickly looked away in shock because he couldn't believe it but in his idle moment, the devil came to replay what he had earlier seen to him and Kelvin went back to the site and this time he paid every attention to the film he saw online and that was how Kelvin gradually became addicted to porn, it first appeared harmless but very misleading. Today, he can't stay 15 minutes without viewing porn, the devil caged him. Before long, Kelvin, a one time bright and intelligent student started performing poorly in school and eventually became a school drop out because his parents were not sensitive enough to detect what was happening to him and he made a mess of his life. This is how the devil has trapped many.

Kelvin's story is  a practical example of what this evil called porn can do to young people's destiny. The deception of pornography lands one in the dark tunnel of life that leads to self destruction and hell. It is therefore advisable that we avoid this dark tunnel by all means necessary. 

If you are already into it, you need to seek for help by crying out to counselors, go to God in prayers and start studying the Word daily to guard your heart. 

Don't be deceived!

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