No Patience No Promise

Let's talk about Patience and Promise.

Hebrews 10:36
For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
This scripture has been coming to heart since this week, almost like the Lord is deliberately impressing it in my heart, like He is specifically saying something to me about patience and the promise. Like I could hear Him say, Peace, you need patience even after you have done My will so that you can receive My promise to you. So, it's not about Him but all about me. He is faithful, He can never be unfaithful, but will I be patient enough to trust Him to fulfill His promise in my life in His own time? Or will I become impatient to start using my own senses to work things out.

Honestly, we like to use our senses at times, we like to try and work things out in our own way, we always try to meet up but God is saying let Me handle it in my own time. But you won't also blame us that much, the pressure is too much from society, friends and family, so much that they begin to make you look like you are the one delaying yourself, you are the one that is holding back, your mates have moved on, you are the only one that is left behind. Can I tell you something today, it is not true. Let me also tell you, if something is to come late, then make sure it was worth the wait and beloved, the promise of God is always more than worth the wait.

So the thin line between doing the will of God and receiving the promise of God is patience.
This verse started unveiling so much to me even as I write.

Patience is a virtue you need.
It is the mediator between doing the will of God and receiving the promise of God.
You need patience even in doing and after doing the will of God so you can receive the promise. So, it means that there is always a gap between doing and receiving, and only patience can close up that gap. You can be doing the will of God, you may have done the will of God, but if you lack patience you will miss the promise of God.

Now, let me explain further with a practical example. What do you think happens to a young lady or a young man who is faithfully serving God for years, kept him/herself, waited and is trusting God for the right partner but the person eventually marries wrongly. Is God that wicked? God forbid! Sometimes a lot of people tend to blame God for such. We accuse God a lot of times but God cannot be accused, God is not unfaithful, He is not unjust, He is not a wicked Father. What happened is that the person lacked patience for the promise. The person did not allow God to close up the gap Himself, the person went ahead of God, and that's why a faithful Christian can end up in a wrong marriage.

Another example could be married couples that have been trusting God for the fruit of the womb for years, they are faithfully serving yet it seems as though nothing is happening, whereas God is preparing to fulfill His promise to them, they might lack patience along the way and seek help from other gods and this is always tantamount to crisis and bitterness in the future.

The echo is:
Peace, wait for the promise!
Brother, wait for the promise!
Sister, wait for the promise!

Patience is a virtue that births the promise.

Lord, help me to be patient enough to receive the promise in Jesus name.

P.S: I know that this verse is also majorly talking about patiently waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus but this is what God is also saying to me.

Remain blessed!

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Esther said…
You are a blessing to the body of Christ .keep sharing. Thank you
Peaceable Peace said…
I thank God for His grace, thanks and God bless you
Gift Chinyere said…
May the Lord keep inspiring you in Jesus name Amen

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