Abraham's Blessings Demands Abraham's Sacrifice

One of the account that leaves me in awe over again each time I study it is the account of Genesis 22. I am always dumbfounded each time I read this account especially the verse 7&8 of it.
Genesis 22:7 Isaac turned to Abraham and said, “Father?” “Yes, my son?” Abraham replied. “We have the fire and the wood,” the boy said, “but where is the sheep for the burnt offering?”
8 “God will provide a sheep for the burnt offering, my son,” Abraham answered. And they both walked on together.

Each time I read this place in the Bible, I respect father Abraham over again. How can a man willingly sacrifice the child he has waited for all his life? A child that came to him at a very old age. A child he would give everything for. The child of promise , the child that meant the whole world to him. This is why God made an everlasting covenant with him. No wonder we still claim Abraham's blessings till date. This obedience is second to none. 

Our obedience is a proof of our love for God. When God wants to try our hearts, He makes a demand from us. Not necessarily because He needs that thing but because He wants to search our heart to know if we truly love Him as we claim. 

Verse 1 of the account stated that God did tempt Abraham. The thing is; only God knew that He was tempting Abraham, Abraham never knew that God was trying him, he was just too faithful to question God over anything He has spoken. Our problem these days is that we can question God. We want to know why we should carry out some instructions. Father have mercy upon us. Sometimes self we go dey act like say we sabi pass God on top charge we go dey give am. No wonder we also struggle so much even as Christians. 

This is my prayers:
Lord, give me a heart that will obey you at all times and in all circumstances.
Make me an Abraham to my generation. In my own little walk of obedience and faithfulness, establish Your covenant with me even to my unborn generation like You did with Abraham. That Father, when You remember me, You will save my family in the name of Jesus.

FATHER, make me an Abraham. Give me Father Abraham's heart. Help me to walk in obedience to Your word. Let nothing be too big for me to let ago at your demand in Jesus name Amen 

Some of us are still struggling with ordinary tithe and offering but wants Abraham's blessings. If you can't give 10% how can you give something of value to you to God? How can you sacrifice that thing when God places a demand on it? A lot of Christians today make excuses and find reasons why they shouldn't pay tithe to the church and how the church is robbing people through tithe and offering forgetting that it is God that said "bring all your tithes to My storehouse". We ask questions like, God dey chop money? How did we get here? How did we suddenly know more than our Maker?

Beloved, don't envy anybody that God has helped. You can admire their grace and anointing from afar but don't desire grace and anointing you ain't willing to pay the price for. You can't convert every grace by laying on of hands or by saying God make me like this person. Anybody you see in the Kingdom with great grace, anointing and blessing has also paid the price of great sacrifice in consecration and obedience.

No be I want be like this person, you fit do like that person?

God bless you 🙏🙏🙏
Happy New Month 💕

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Peaceable Peace said…
Thank you, remain blessed!
Chinwe said…
Very inspiring message. Thank you for breaking it down that way.
Peaceable Peace said…
Thank you, God bless you

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